Friday, February 22, 2013

Happiness is...

Happiness is...

* A perfectly ripe avocado

* A shared secret smile with a stranger

* Boots on just about any yucky weather day

* Smart Wool socks

* Cuddling up in bed after hearing someone shoveling your sidewalk on a snowy morning

* A perfectly timed song that meets you right where you are

* A coat in your perfect shade

* Romance viewed with a hope-filled heart of excitement

* Seeing an idea blossom into reality

* Trying something that once caused you trepidation and now brings satisfaction

* A clean kitchen

* Pedicures and flip flops...the perfect partners

* A heart-to-heart hug

* Sunshine on my face...or anywhere for that matter.

* Worshipping Jesus heart, soul, spirit, and body

* Watching raw talent emerge and be recognized

* Belly laughs in any way, shape, or form

* Solo dance parties

* Having friends who know you so very well in the smallest and biggest of ways

* Books that are written as if for your heart alone

* Hugs from nieces and nephews

* Dogs

* New views, new roads, new horizons, new mysteries to solve

* Snow falling gently when you have no place that you have to be

* Love

* Sharing with others what makes you uniquely you and what makes them uniquely them

* Views that stir your heart to create, worship, sing, and live deeply

* A "randomly" chosen Pandora station filled with songs that sing your heart's song

* Sunroofs, sunny days, and loud music

* A place to pour out the words that fill your heart

What's on your list?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

A New Lens

A lightbulb went A-Ha moment for me. Our culture is trained to focus on the drab, to highlight what is wrong, to use a critical eye. It comes in small ways such as our food preferences and clothing choices or big ways like where we choose to live and which neighbors we reach out to love. Sometimes it manifests in the spoken word where other times the criticisms grow inside of u like a vine climbing up the side of a house.

Eventually those vines will spread from a straggly growth to a wall covering, changing a tan colored house to green. Vines starve and creep and entwine and spread until they can no longer be pulled away by hand but require clippers, gloves, ladders, and brute strength.

A quote I read by Erasmus says,

"A nail is driven out by another nail; habit is overcome by habit."

What if we consciously choose to focus on beauty, to highlight the positive, to train our eye and our thoughts to dwell on loveliness?

The Bible tells us,

"Let all that is within me bless His name."

So if I choose to dwell on loveliness, I am essentially blessing God for His creation in people and in my world. This does require practice though...practice until it becomes second nature. Hammer out those nails and hammer in beautiful thoughts of thankfulness and honor.

And as I practice thinking on that which is good, pure, lovely, kind, true, and admirable in everything around me (Phil 4:8), I'm essentially putting weed killer on the roots of those creeping vines. That makes it much easier to live free, unentangled, able to run!

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..." Hebrews 12:1

Friday, January 4, 2013

Just Around the Riverbend

I often think in song. Phrases and choruses ring through my head at random moments of the day. Whether it's riding on the escalator at the mall to "Movin' On Up" from The Jeffersons or in the midst of a serious moment, thinking of "I Love to Laugh" from Mary Poppins, tunes ring through me and often pop out for the random passerby to enjoy. :) 

As for today, a song from the Disney movie Pocahontas is the winner. It goes something like this:

What I love most about rivers is:
You can't step in the same river twice
The water's always changing, always flowing
But people, I guess, can't live like that
We all must pay a price
To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing
What's around the riverbend
Waiting just around the riverbend

You see, I am fascinated by what is around the corner. I love that random road where you can't see over the hill and you never have the opportunity to drive down so you are filled with wonder.

I'm a curious person by nature, but if I only wonder and never explore...where does that leave me? Stuck? Stifled? Never satisfied? 

So every once in awhile, I like to satisfy those wonderings and follow a rabbit trail...whether it is a physical path to follow, a concept to research, finding out the correct lyrics to some song that I know I've sung wrong for years. Whatever it may be, I think the wonderings keep life interesting and exciting and keep me moving forward, ever growing. 

"And then I realized adventure was the best way to learn." 
Author unknown

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Embracing My True Colors

Just the other day, a friend came by to help me fix a bedroom. It had become a gathering place for all the wrong sorts of things and was desperately in need of a face lift. Move a dresser here and place a used bookshelf here and, voila, a sanctuary emerged. Piles of books now have a home. Order is restored. Precious items once buried are now proudly on display. And peace has entered the place.

Upon one wall now hangs a large picture of a peacock with its plumage in full display. I was conflicted when I first saw it. I was drawn to the image; however, at the same time all I could think of was negative connotations involving pride. "Proud as a peacock," in my thoughts transitioned into scripture such as "Pride goes before destruction," and "When pride comes, then comes disgrace." (Prov 16:18 and 11:2 respectively). Did I want a picture that inspired these thoughts to adorn the wall of my sanctuary?

Then I heard that Voice within that often comes in necessary moments whisper, "Have you thought that sometimes I like pride?" "God, You like pride?" I inquired. And then I considered pride in my life. Pride can go all wrong when I boast in myself, my accomplishments, my stuff. 

However, what about the times that I boast in the good things God is doing in me? Should that cause me to wither like a wall flower? On the contrary, I am quite certain that being proud of God in me and allowing God to magnify His gifting in me would cause me to stand taller with my head raised and my shoulders back. A peacock can walk about dragging his tail, or train, along behind him. Or he can raise it up high and spread out every colorful feather, creating a beautiful display of God's creation, thereby revealing God's perfect design in him.

There's another interesting result of displaying the plumage. In doing so, the peacock actually improves his ability to hear similar to a human holding a hand behind his ear. So when I allow all my "feathers" to show, allowing God to use me to my fullest potential with all the gifts He has placed within me, it magnifies sound. I can actually hear better when walking in my full identity. 

Luke 11:28 says, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" Hebrews 2:1 says, "Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it."

The good form of pride comes from living in obedience to God, allowing God to display us for His glory. Take the story of Gideon, a son living in fear of the Midianites. An angel appeared, spoke life, vision, and identity into him and Gideon responded with a humble offering. Gideon listened and obeyed, allowing God access to every part of him. As a result:
But the Spirit of the LORD clothed Gideon, and he sounded the trumpet, and the Abiezrites were called out to follow him.
In Judges 6:34, The Spirit came upon Gideon or "clothed" him in fortitude, zeal, strength and might, using him to lead 300 men to subdue Israel's enemy. This victory resulted in 40 years of rest for Israel (Judges 8:28).  God's purposes were accomplished through the beauty of Gideon's God-given giftings fully surrendered, now on display for all to see.

So now I look at the image of the peacock upon my bedroom wall as a reminder...a reminder to humble myself before a mighty God who has the power and the desire to come upon me and use me in mighty ways. And that is the stuff to be proud of...Christ in me, the hope of glory!